How to use cognitive tools to increase sustainability of elderly people’s mobility?

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Hang Cao


Aging of societies is a major international trend, thus effective and long-term development of activities for the elderly is an important issue. Vehicles must improve the range of activities of older people and increase their life trajectory beyond their age limits. With human participation, autonomous vehicles need to improve driving capabilities to drive safely in traffic scenarios and implement sustainable solutions. The discussion focuses on the impact on driving behavior, the functionality of vehicle sensors, and the interaction with traffic road users. This paper illustrates that autonomous driving tasks can benefit aging drivers due to vehicle sensors and systems, and road users when dealing with new or unexpected traffic situations. Identifying cognitive changes and relationships is important better to understand the road environment’s cognitive processes and behaviors.

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How to Cite
Cao, H. (2022). How to use cognitive tools to increase sustainability of elderly people’s mobility?. Cognitive Sustainability, 1(4).


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